Craig Mod joins the show to talk about writing, designing, filmmaking, what makes for good software, and building a successful membership program to support independent art. And: pizza toast.
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Craig’s annual essays about running a subscription:
“Kissa by Kissa” — Craig’s book documenting, in words and photos, “walking 1,000+km of the countryside of Japan along the ancient Nakasendō highway, the culture of toast (toast!), and mid-twentieth century Japanese cafés called kissaten.”
“Pizza Toast & Coffee” — Craig’s new short film.
Craigstarter — Craig’s open source project to host your own Kickstarter-like projects.
Craig’s recent essay for Wired on the pleasure of programming, or as he calls it, “coding”.
“Fast Software, the Best Software” — Craig’s 2019 essay on the feel of software tools.
Author Karl Ove Knausgård, who calls his editors each day to read that day’s work to them.
Software tools mentioned:
This episode of The Talk Show was edited by Caleb Sexton.