This episode is an interview that I did with Colin Chapman for his podcast called Red Church Door. The interview was recorded on May 10, 2021 and was scheduled to be broadcast about three weeks later. Colin is an Episcopal priest who is the rector of a church in Southern New Hampshire. On his website he says that his podcast “is first and foremost an open invitation to partake in a journey of spiritual discovery. It’s an exploration about how people understand, evolve, and deepen their relationship with God, how their stories relate to our own experiences, and how we can inform and nurture the spiritual growth of ourselves, our faith communities, and our society.”
He came across my podcast “The Tao of Christ” while doing a google search for Christianity and nondualism. He emailed me and asked to interview me for his podcast. In this interview we talk about my spiritual background and how my interest in the Tao Te Ching began. We also discuss the definition of nonduality and how it fits with Christianity.
Here is a link to Colin’s podcast website: