The political climate in America is getting crazy. A survey released this week by LifeWay Research reported that half of all pastors report having heard people in their congregations repeat conspiracy theories. I recently read an article in which a woman said that she believes that Trump won the 2020 election with the same certainty that she believes in God. I am sure she is said that to bolster the credibility of her conspiracy theory. But when people hear it, all it does is put faith in God on the same level as a conspiracy theory. No wonder so many people are skeptical of organized religion!
Conspiracy theories have been around for quite a while, but they seem to have gotten worse in the last few years. It is only in the last few years that I have started hearing phrases like fake news and alternative facts. A recent article in the evangelical magazine Christianity Today says that evangelicals disproportionately believe in conspiracy theories, especially QAnon. What does that say about evangelical Christianity?
One thing these last few years has taught me is how easily people are fooled … including us. Our brains are not a reliable as we think they are. How easy it is for the human mind to believe almost anything. When we enter into the world of religion and spirituality, there are no holds barred in this self-deception. In this episode we look at the presence of conspiracy theories in religion and spirituality, including nonduality, and what is means to awaken from all conspiracy theories.