About a month ago I got an email from a listener in British Columbia, Canada. He gave me permission to quote it, so I will and then address the issue he raises. He writes in part:
I have a question about the nondual conception of God. I find this view compelling, but wonder if a nondual conception of God leaves us with this sort of ineffable God about which we can say nothing. Concepts like loving and caring are dualistic concepts, and yet it seems that even Christians in the mystical / contemplative / nondual traditions want to refer to God as loving, or as love itself. Are those compatible views, to see God as a kind of nondual Oneness, and to view God as loving? Or does a person who takes the nondual view need to jettison the idea of love being applicable to God?
In this episode I will answer this question and address the topic of love seen from a nondual perspective.