I receive a lot of emails from people who used to consider themselves Christians and were active in the church but no longer. They can no longer accept the literal interpretation of Scripture and the dogmatic nature of the Christian religion. They have dared to think outside the traditional Christian box, they are either been rejected by the church or feel alienated from the church and from Christianity.
Some people have had spiritual experiences – glimpses of nondual reality – and are no longer comfortable with the dualistic language, theology, and rituals of the church. They are especially not comfortable with the Christian attitude that only Christians know the truth. For that reason they have left the church and explored other spiritual traditions.
Yet a part of their heart is still in Christianity. A part of them misses the church, misses Jesus, and misses Christian worship and fellowship. They wish there was a way to be a part of a church but express their Christianity in a way consistent with their new broader awareness of spiritual Reality. That is the type of person who listens to my channel and many email me.
The good news is that Christianity and nonduality are not incompatible. I call it Christian nonduality. In fact the original message of Jesus, whom we call the Christ, is the nondual Reality that is at the heart of all spiritual traditions. So we can be followers of Jesus and affirm nondual awareness. But can we still be part of a church? Can we still go to worship in a church? I say yes!