One of the most difficult things for a Christian to overcome when experiencing and communicating the reality of nondual awareness is the vocabulary. It is a stumbling block to use the biblical term. Christians are used to the religious vocabulary of the gospels and the apostle Paul and the other biblical writers. But Nonduality is usually expressed in words and concepts drawn from Eastern religious traditions – from Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and similar faiths.
When Christians first get a glimpse of the One Reality that is our True Nature, we don’t know how to talk about it using the language of Christianity. Often when we try to express it, we are greeted with puzzled expressions or criticized by fellow Christians, especially in the more conservative churches. . Our Christian sisters and brothers think we have strayed from the faith and drifted into heresy and possibly even losing our salvation.
For those reasons many Christians who have experienced this Reality of who and what we are often jettison their religious heritage. This is not necessary. Unitive Awareness is an integral part of historic Christianity. We can use traditional biblical and Christian terminology to express Unitive Awareness. It is not distorting biblical language or Christianity to do so. In this episode I look at several examples from the gospels but focus mostly on one of the teaching of the apostle Paul about the two selves.