Today I am going to talk about Revelation and its relation to Nonduality. By the word Revelation, I mean the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Christian bible. But it is also related to the theological concept of Revelation, meaning that God reveals God’s self to us. The Greek word for revelation, found in the first sentence of the Book of Revelation literally unveiling or uncovering, which is exactly what spiritual awakening is.
Spiritual awakening is an unveiling of what is and has always been. It is simply waking up, having our eyes open to the Reality that has been before our eyes all the time. As Jesus was so fond of saying, “Those who have eyes to see let them see. Those with ears to hear, let them hear.” A veil is taken off our eyes. Reality is uncovered so that we can see what has always been true.
That is what the theological doctrine called revelation, and the New Testament book of Revelation, is about. It is not bestowing some new and secret knowledge to a spiritual elite. It is about uncovering what has always been apparent and visible for all those with eyes to see since the beginning of creation.