In this episode I explore the historical development, mythology and meaning of Satan from a nondual perspective. For traditional Christians the devil is real – a fallen angel. He is epitome of evil, who oversees a vast hoard of demons or evil spirits who are just waiting to possess the hapless person who is careless with his soul.
When viewed from a nondual perspective the figure of Satan points to something much closer to home. He is the human ego. As Walt Kelly famously said in his Pogo comic strip: We have met the enemy and he is us. The devil is our self. So we say with Jesus, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” When the ego/self/devil is pushed to the background then what we truly are comes to the foreground.
What comes to the foreground is a vast and limitless Eternal. This Spacious Presence is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and Christ in us, as the apostle Paul said. God is not out there somewhere. The Kingdom of Heaven is not up there. It is here. As Jesus said, The Kingdom of God is within you.