When it comes to Christian nonduality, one of the issues that is often raised by both inquirers and critics is its approach to the Bible. The nondual attitude toward Scripture is different than the traditional reverence that Christians have for the Bible.
In traditional Christianity, Scripture serves as the foundation for everything that a Christian believes and does. When Christians want to know what is true and what is not, they look to the Bible. Christians use words like authoritative and inspired to describe the Bible. Evangelicals and fundamentalists prefer stronger words like inerrant and infallible.
Nonduality is not about scripture. It is not about submitting to any religious authority – be it a book or clergy or a church or a creed. It is not about doctrine or ecclesiastical structure, and that is a problem for many Christians. Nonduality is about direct awareness. Nothing is taken on faith. Truth is discovered by direct investigation. Nondual Reality is not mediated through a book or words or ideas. It is apprehended directly.
In this episode I explore the differences between the two approaches.