The New Pilgrim’s Progress is a modern retelling of John Bunyan’s 17th century classic “Pilgrim’s Progress.” It is an allegorical pilgrimage through the landscape of 21st century American spirituality.
In this sixth part Pilgrim and Religious meet up with Billy Graham, who is also traveling the Way. Reverend Graham warns them of the dangers of the town they are approaching, and predicts that one of them would die for their faith.
After departing from Billy Graham, Pilgrim and Religious enter the city of Megachurch and come to Prosperity Gospel Ministries. Religious is outraged at what he sees and hears there. In a moment of zeal he overturns the tables of the vendors and is immediately arrested.
Security proceeds to interrogate him, jail him, and put him on trial before Judge Media. Several witnesses are called to testify, including Capitalism, Nationalism, and Racism. Religious is found guilty and immediately executed by stoning. After his death, Pilgrim, who had denied Religious, left Prosperity Gospel Ministries, weeping bitterly.