The Tarot Table with Miriam Rachel
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels
If you have gone to a tarot reader or a psychic, did you know a thing about their past? Maybe you do, or you think you do, and you haven’t heard the entire story. Or, perhaps you don’t.
Perhaps they kept it a secret and have not told anyone. However, there is a good chance that the psychic or tarot reader you visited experienced a lot of childhood trauma, in addition to grief and sadness in their adult years.
Perhaps not every psychic or tarot reader in the world has experienced sorrow and tragedy. However, I can bet you that a large majority have a few heartbreaking stories to tell about their childhoods and lives.
Intuitive And Tarot Readers And Psychics Often Had A Traumatic Past
I know of so many psychics and tarot readers who have endured bullying and abuse, as well as child loss and other types of tragedies. And my story falls into that category as well.
I talked about this in my intro. But I will repeat it. I was the black sheep of my family, which was challenging to handle. I was also bullied throughout middle school and during my first year of high school.
Even after the bullying ended, my reputation was still laughable. That was because I was always overweight and had a bad case of acne, as I later was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS.
I also had awkward social skills, which meant I struggled socially and had some learning differences. Therefore, I was an easy target, and when you are the black sheep of the family and being bullied, well, that messes you up. I did not know how to stand up for myself, so I took the abuse.
However, the trauma did not end there.
I ended up birthing a child with complex special needs, and I was not equipped to care for him. I tried, I took him to a variety of therapy, and no matter what I did, I was chastised for not doing any more than I could.
And when it comes to special needs parents, it’s like their needs suddenly become irrelevant. That is what happened to me. It did not matter that I struggled with my mental health and physical health and did not get enough sleep.
Never mind that I wasn’t able to be fully attentive to my other typical child. My weight shot up to over 100 lbs overweight, I was angry all of the time, severely depressed, and I was on the brink of losing it.
Let’s talk about the fact that I had been mourning for the typical son I longed for, and I am not ashamed to say this. These things need to be said anyway. So, I had no choice but to transfer him to a residential school and group home.
Moving him away from home was the best move I made for my husband, myself, my daughter, and my son. My son could not stay at home, and he is doing so much better where he is.
In addition to that, I went against society’s expectations of being his caregiver for life and did the best and safest thing for him. That was the catalyst for me to begin standing up for myself.
I have been vilified for doing this, but those who don’t get it will judge, and I have accepted it. There are plenty of non-empathetic people who will judge you without knowing what it is like to walk even a meter in your shoes.
However, even though I have shed the stress that I was under for all of those years and so much of that extra weight, I am still traumatized. I will permanently be traumatized from all of my painful and heart-wrenching experiences.
Is complete healing possible? I have to say, I highly doubt it is.
I can heal on some level, but it is not realistic to believe that you can completely heal. You will always face triggers and painful reminders that can take you back to painful thoughts.
The practical goal is to be at peace with your past and accept that it happened. I am trying to get there, but I really have a long way to go. A very long way to go.
Was it past life karma? I believe on a significant level, it was. I also know that I am a mature soul sandwiched between a young soul and an old soul, which can cause a lot of inner turmoil.
Old souls can get past trauma much easier than younger souls. Now that you know my story, you probably wonder why so many intuitive healers, tarot readers, and psychics have had sad and traumatic pasts. I will talk about that.
Why Do Intuitives Have Traumatic Pasts?
What is the purpose of becoming an intuitive reader or healer in the first place? That is because of being forced to gain insight into your suffering.
When you are moved to self-reflect and look into why you had to suffer in the first place, you strengthen your intuition, and at the same time, you then want to help others understand why they experience their suffering. When that happens, you open yourself up to the world of metaphysics.
Then you begin to use the tools you relate to the most, whether it is tarot, astrology, mediumship, runes, or I Ching. Simultaneously, your psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and precognitive abilities strengthen.
In my case, I am a clairvoyant clairsentient, and I have solid precognitive abilities. Astrology and tarot are tools that I use to bring more vivid pictures and insight into what I look at, whether for myself, a friend, or a client. However, it is easier to read for a client than for yourself or a friend.
Emotions can get in the way, but you can train yourself to become more objective. It depends on the issue you want to look at. However, you may be wondering now if some intuitive readers have coasted in life.
Are you sure you want my opinion on that? I will share it.
Are There Some Readers Who Have Had Easy Lives?
I am going to ask you a question. Imagine being born and blessed with a beautiful figure, beautiful hair, and perfect skin. You also attract people because you have the best social skills.
Therefore, you were popular in school and work, grew up with love and acceptance in your family, and you got exceptional grades without even trying hard. You also make plenty of money and never have to struggle financially at all in your life.
You also have an easy marriage and intelligent and healthy kids. Whenever you did have a difficult time, you got all of the support in the world. I mean, I realize that no one has a perfect life.
But many others have had fewer challenges, traumatic events, and heartbreak than others. However, that said, if you can relate to this type of life, you coast along.
If you coast along in life, why would you even reason to be self-reflective and look for answers? Why would you even care about looking for different types of insight?
That is why I really have a hard time believing that those who had an easy life would be a legitimate reader or healer. Sure, they may still be drawn to metaphysics, but often, not for the right reasons.
For example, those who have had easy lives interested in tarot may dabble into it because they are fascinated with it. However, I don’t believe they would have a genuine motivation to provide readings for the sake of helping others gain insight into their struggles.
That is because they possibly cannot relate to those who have struggled on a profound level.
Unfortunately, some have coasted along become charlatans if they decide to become a ‘psychic reader.’ These people will exploit you, take your money, take advantage of your desperation, and feed you b******t.
An intuitive reader who has really suffered in life will not do that because they understand what it is like to struggle and seek answers for why you were dealt a difficult hand.
That is why I have difficulty believing that those who coasted along in life could be empathetic, compassionate, and insightful intuitive readers. It does not mean they are not capable of being kind people.
But if you have not been through that much trauma in your life, it isn't straightforward to be empathetic and put yourself into the shoes of others. It is a matter of not building that perspective due to a lack of experience. That is the truth.
And I will also say that there may be the token person who had an easy life but is gifted with strong psychic abilities, strong empathy, and compassion. However, that is the exception and not the rule.
Therefore, if you know of a legitimate and caring intuitive reader, the odds are incredibly high that they entered that field because they went through hell. Here is another thing you will see among intuitives, psychics, and tarot readers.
Many struggle with mental illness, which does not always include Major Depressive Disorder and CPSTD. That is what I deal with, but there are plenty of them who struggle with mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, among others as well.
Even if some did not have any severe traumatic events happen to them, battling any mental illness that they were genetically predisposed to be exhausting. Remember that not all people with conditions like Major Depressive Disorder experience any severe trauma.
Genetic causes alone can result in chemical imbalances. But from my experience, when you have that issue along with significant trauma from the past, it creates a special kind of hell.
But what helps me? I have to say I have struggled to find the right therapist because the best ones are a difficult fit. I have had therapists that worked for a while but no longer did. I am medication resistant but open to trying new alternative approaches.
But for me, tarot does help. And I am not at all saying that tarot is ever a replacement for medical prescriptions for mental illness. But it can be a great tool to use in conjunction with it. In the next episode, I will talk about that.
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