The Tarot Table with Miriam Rachel
The High Priestess represents my guest on The Tarot Table today.
The High Priestess is the second card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck, typically numbered as II. She represents intuition, mystery, and the unconscious mind.
The imagery on the card often includes a seated woman between two pillars: one black and one white, symbolizing duality and balance.
She usually holds a scroll or book, indicating hidden knowledge or wisdom, and wears a crown or headpiece that signifies her connection to the divine or the spiritual realm.
The High Priestess symbolizes inner knowledge and the power of the subconscious. She urges trusting instincts and listening to the inner voice.
This card often symbolizes hidden or unrevealed elements, indicating unknown factors or secrets that need to be uncovered.
The High Priestess is strongly connected to spiritual and esoteric knowledge, signifying a period of spiritual growth and exploration of more profound truths.
Often associated with the feminine aspect of the divine, she embodies qualities such as patience, receptivity, and reflection rather than action. She represents my guest today, Lauren Kester.
Lauren Kester is a mindset coach and astrologer. After working on high-profile television shows like 30 Rock, The Good Wife, & Saturday Night Live, she left the entertainment business to help driven women break free from fear and anxiety to create the lives they want using mindset work and astrology.
Connect with Lauren by going to her site, and her Instagram @hello.its.lauren and don't forget to download her freebie, Change Your Thoughts.
Now you have it! I will talk to you again next Friday and next week and chat with one who the Magician represents.
My guest then is a certified tarot advisor who mentors screenwriters and authors, empowering them to tap into their intuition, boost self-confidence, increase writing speed, and achieve their creative aspirations. There's something I can look forward to.
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And, of course, follow The Tarot Table Podcast. You can also join my list to get a week-ahead tarot reading each Sunday, so you know what energies you face at Next week. Until then, see you next time, ciao for now.