Pixabay: AndrzejRembowski
The Six of Wands tarot card is all about victory and triumph.
This card represents a time when everything is coming together, and you can achieve your goals.
This is a great time to take risks and go after what you want, as you are likely successful.
Things are moving forward in a positive direction, so enjoy this time of success.
This is known as the victory card. Before delving too much into it, let's go over the appearance and history of the Six of Wands.
The Appearance And History Of The Six of Wands
This card traces its roots back to the early days of the tarot.
The Six of Wands was initially known as the "victory" card, as it still is, and it was used to represent the successful conclusion of a quest or journey.
However, over time, the Six of Wands came to be seen as a symbol of success in all areas of life, even if you did not necessarily win a game or conquer a quest.
When you look at the Six of Wands tarot card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, you will see a man wearing a victory wreath on his head.
He is also riding a white horse with decorations on it, and people are surrounding him cheering him on as they represent the public recognition by giving him accolades.
That horse he rides represents success, purity, determination, and strength.
As you can see, he is holding a wand with a wreath surrounding it to show how much he has achieved and how successful he was.
And he is proud to show others his accomplishments. Now, let's talk about what the Six of Wands means in a reading.
What It Means When You Get Six of Wands In A Reading
The Six of Wands tarot card is all about triumph and victory.
This card represents somebody who has overcome challenges and can now enjoy the fruits of their success.
If you see this card in a reading, good things are on the horizon for you.
For example, you may be about to achieve a long-term goal or complete a significant project.
Alternatively, the Six of Wands can indicate that you are about to receive some well-deserved recognition.
This could come in the form of a promotion at work or an award for your achievements.
Whatever the case, the Six of Wands is a positive sign that great things are coming your way.
It is a great card to see in a reading.
The Five of Wands is all about fights and chaos, and the Six of Wands is all about victory and success.
Remember that fives represent chaos and upheaval, and six represents harmony, equilibrium, and balance.
Do you remember the example of the disgruntled acquaintance who the host of the party did not invite crashing it during the Five of Wands episode?
Well, you could say that the Six of Wands could represent the host calling the cops on the one who crashed the party, and the cops took them away.
Additionally, the host of the party got a lot of support from their guests who helped to clean up any messes that happened during the incident.
There is a lot of satisfaction that comes with that part of the scenario.
That is because the gist of it is that the Six of Wands is all about winning the fight that the Five of Wands represented.
You could also say that the Six of Wands can also represent you acing a test that you thought you would fail.
Or, it could also represent you scoring a date with your crush. Whatever you consider being victorious is what this card represents.
And I will tell you, after breaking out of my echoism, and being able to start setting boundaries can feel victorious at times.
I am quite sure Risa Green would feel that way as well if she is able to find it within her to start setting them.
But I cannot think of any true examples of her relating to the Six of Wands at all since she does not believe she does anything right.
But who is to say it has never happened.
I am sure she has aced tests in her life.
And even though her marriage to Ron is not healthy, I am sure initially she was ecstatic to the point that anyone showed interest in her at all.
That was Ron who married her, as that would have made her feel victorious considering that she likely feared she would be alone, living with her parents for the rest of her life.
She also did move to her own home with Ron, which probably made her feel good at the time.
Therefore, if you wondered what you won in life too, chances are if you look deep within, you will find examples of where you did pretty well.
What about the Six of Wands reversed?
Six of Wands Reversed
When the Six of Wands is in reverse, it can mean falling from grace or allowing your ego to get in the way.
However, it can also mean achieving something you worked hard for such as a weight loss goal, and celebrating it privately.
You don’t want the world to know about it. You also have your definition of success.
Therefore, it is not all bad. But my favorite example of the former is a high school bully who believed that they were too good for anyone and failed badly in life. They never got a job other than working at a fast-food joint.
They could only afford a run-down apartment and often needed financial help from their family. I am not looking down at anyone who is in that situation, by the way.
Please do not think that I am. I know that times are tough for a lot of people and they may be in situations such as that because of it.
I am only using that as an example for someone who was a bully who thought they would be better than anyone else because of their ego getting in the way. And then, that ends up happening to them.
Now, let's go over how to apply this card to your life.
How To Apply The Six of Wands To Your Life
There is one easy way to apply this card to your life and that is by focusing on something that you want to achieve.
It can be a weight loss goal, or it can be you scoring the job you want, or scoring a date with someone who you had your eyes on for a long time.
The next time you are feeling down or unmotivated, take this card and have a good look at it, and remind yourself why you are going after these things.
You want to feel victorious. You want to win, and you want it to work out, but it takes effort to make those things happen.
You can also spend a few moments looking at the Six of Wands the next time you are wondering what you truly achieved in life because everyone needs those reminders from time to time.
The next card I will go over in the next episode is one that challenges this card, and that is the Seven of Wands, which means we will be halfway through this Minor Arcana suit!