The Tarot Table with Miriam Rachel
Judgement represents my guest onThe Tarot Table. The tarot card often associated with the angelic realm is the Judgement card (also known as The Last Judgement or simply Judgement) from the Major Arcana.
This card typically depicts angels blowing trumpets and people rising from their graves, symbolizing a spiritual awakening or a call to higher consciousness.
The Judgement card represents a transformative moment of self-reflection and spiritual rebirth. It signifies a time of making important decisions, releasing the past, and embracing a higher purpose.
The presence of angels in the card symbolizes divine guidance, protection, and the influence of higher realms. Judgement represents my guest, Caylen Dheviain.
Who Is Caylen Dheviain?
Meet Caylen Dheviain, a dedicated Angel Therapy Practitioner with an unwavering passion for helping individuals connect with the Angelic Realm to unlock daily guidance from the Angels.
With a deep-rooted love for working with people, Caylen is on a mission to assist them in discovering their true gifts and purpose in life.
As a certified Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Energy Healer, Caylen helps individuals harness spiritual energy, intuition, and universal forces to transform their lives. Through one-on-one sessions, classes, workshops, and events, she facilitates healing, growth, and awakening.
Whether seeking personalized guidance, empowerment, or transformation, Caylen offers tailored support. She believes deeply in the power of spiritual and energetic connection for healing and alignment.
Her ability to guide and nurture others makes her a beacon of light for those on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Connect with Caylen on her website: Facebook: yourinnerlightca, Instagram: @caylendheviain
Next Friday and then chat with a guest represented by Strength. This guest is a lifelong medium and spiritual teacher dedicated to helping highly sensitive souls transform from exhausted empaths into empowered energy workers.
If you want a reading, head over to Follow me on Instagram atcreativetarotinsights, and, of course, followThe Tarot Table podcast. You can also join my list to get a week ahead tarot reading each Sunday so you know what energies you are facing