Dr. Aimee Patterson is a Christian ethicist at The Salvation Army Ethics Centre and adjunct faculty at Booth University College. She is the author of the new Cascade book, Suffering Well and Suffering With: Reclaiming Marks of Christian Identity, published within the New Studies in Theology and Trauma series.
Aimee’s website: https://www.aimeepatterson.com/
Aimee’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AimeeEPatterson
Suffering Well and Suffering With: https://wipfandstock.com/9781666765458/suffering-well-and-suffering-with/
The Word Bookstore (Montreal): https://www.thewordbookstore.ca/
Powell’s Books (Portland): https://www.powells.com/
Website: https://wipfandstock.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wipfandstock
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Cassell, Eric J. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine.
Koyama, Kosuke. Three Mile an Hour God.
Patterson, Aimee. Suffering Well and Suffering With.
Schweitzer, Albert. On the Edge of the Primeval Forest.
(01:27) – Studying suffering and experiencing suffering
(05:27) – Bookstores in Montreal and Portland
(06:57) – Roundtable: Jesus, Job, and family
(10:11) – Suffering and the body
(17:20) – Severe suffering and social stigma
(22:38) – Social responses to severe suffering
(36:13) – Suffering and evil
(47:14) – The church’s role in suffering well and suffering with
(55:11) – The solidarity of suffering
(01:02:02) – The role of the emotions in compassion
(01:11:06) – How to listen well and show compassion
(01:16:46) – What’s next for Aimee & where to find her