David Artman is the author of Grace Saves All: The Necessity of Christian Universalism (Wipf & Stock, 2020) and the host of the Grace Saves All podcast.
In this second part of my conversation with David, he and I continue our conversation on Christian universalism, address some of the main critiques of this position, and discuss his book and podcast.
David’s book: https://wipfandstock.com/9781532650888/grace-saves-all/
Grace Saves All podcast: https://www.davidartman.net/podcast
David’s website: https://www.davidartman.net/
David’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidartman?lang=en
Website: https://wipfandstock.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wipfandstock
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wipfandstock
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wipfandstock/
Artman, David. Grace Saves All: The Necessity of Christian Universalism.
Hart, David Bentley. The New Testament: A Translation.
———. That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation.
Jersak, Bradley. Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hope, Hell, and the New Jerusalem.
MacDonald, Gregory (Robin Parry). The Evangelical Universalist.
Parry, Robin A., with Ilaria L. E. Ramelli. A Larger Hope?, Volume 2: Universal Salvation from the Reformation to the Nineteenth Century.
Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. A Larger Hope?, Volume 1: Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich.
Sarris, George W. Heaven’s Doors: Wider Than You Ever Believed!
Yancey, Philip. Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World.
Zahnd, Brian. Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God: The Scandalous Truth of the Very Good News.
(00:14) – The ultimate question of God’s goodness
(02:48) – Scriptures for and (apparently) against
(13:45) – “Weeping and gnashing of teeth”
(22:08) – Resources on Christian universalism
(24:38) – Universalism, evangelism, and morality
(35:15) – Free will and freedom
(43:31) – Universalism in the early church
(51:44) – The traumatic impact of infernalist theology
(01:02:23) – David’s book, Grace Saves All
(01:15:49) – What’s next for David
(01:19:23) – Where to find David