Was 2019 all you hoped it would be?
If not, I promise 2020 can be your best year yet if you follow this simple strategy I've developed for Christian artists.
It's a simple process that I use every 90 days in order to take a deep look at five core areas of my life, My Spiritual Life, My Artistic Life, My Art Business Life, My Personal Life, and My Relationships.
In each of these areas, I ask myself three key questions; What’s Working, What’s Not, and What’s Next?
I've been using it for years, and it takes all the guesswork out of where to put my attention each day.
Got Questions? -We’ve Got Answers!
I’ll be answering a new question every Friday so if you have a question you'd like me to answer on an upcoming episode; I need to hear from you.
Click Here, and you can Record your message below and who knows, we just might feature it on an upcoming episode!
Connect with Matt online at www.MattTommeyMentoring.com or on Instagram and Facebook @thethrivingchristianartist
Get encouraged and connect with other artists on the Thriving Christian Artist Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/thethrivingchristianartist/
Join us inside the Created to Thrive Foundations Course and Community for just $27/mo at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/foundations