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Do you want different results in life but still find yourself doing the same things you've always done? A lot of us have done that in our lives. In fact, that was my story for many, many years until the Lord began showing me a different way to live.
The most exciting part? As I started making the changes He showed me and sharing those changes with others, their lives changed too! Pretty sweet!
In this episode of
5-Minute Mentoring, and in my
blog article on the same topic, I'm going to be sharing some practical things you can do to stop the cycle and start moving forward in your life and your art.
The Doors Are Open Now
We only do it a couple of times a year. But, if you’re ready to join a dynamic life-changing community of artists from all over the world and start seeing real change happen in your life and art, then I invite you to learn more about my Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program.
The doors to join are open right now through October 4th, 2020 and I would love to have you join us. To learn more, visit:
Ok, enjoy the podcast!
PS - Did you review the podcast yet? Screenshot the review, post the screenshot to your Instagram feed, and tag @thethrivingchristianartist. Do that, and I've got a surprise for you if you do…. #justsayin
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