Have you ever wanted to know what you are called to do by God and what exactly that means for you as a creative in His Kingdom? If that’s you, then I can’t wait for you to hear from my friend, Tinasha LaRaye. Tinasha is an actor, a filmmaker, and one of the creative arts pastors at Bethel Church out in Redding, CA.
During our chat, we explode the myth that your “calling” is tied to a specific occupation and unfold the deep biblical truth that our callings are to God, to others, to embrace our Godly identity, and to be a steward of the gifts, talents, and provisions He’s placed in our care.
You can connect with Tinasha online and learn more about what she is doing at www.mvmntcollab.com and on Instagram @IamTinashaLaraye
Connect with Matt online at www.MattTommeyMentoring.com or on Instagram and Facebook @thethrivingchristianartist
Get encouraged and connect with other artists on the Thriving Christian Artist Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/thethrivingchristianartist/
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