Ever thought about writing a book? Today on the podcast, I’m talking with my friend Michelle Kulp, a paralegal-turned-bestselling author who helps people tap into and write their story and share it with the world.
Even if you think “But Matt, I’m an artist, not a writer! I couldn’t write a book!,” take a listen to my conversation with Michelle. Michelle and I share our tips, our process, and our lessons learned along our own book journeys that will help inspire you to uncover the book that lives inside of you!
Be sure to check out Michelle’s books on Amazon, and connect with Michelle below to take advantage of the free gift that she’s offering our podcast listeners!
>> Visit her at https://bestsellingauthorprogram.com to get the first module of her “28 Books to $100k” course for free!
Connect with Matt online at https://www.matttommeymentoring.com or on Instagram and Facebook @thethrivingchristianartist
Be encouraged and connect with other artists on the Thriving Christian Artist Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/thethrivingchristianartist/
You can also watch this podcast on YouTube! Head on over to youtube.com/mjtommey to check it out!
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