In this world of glow-ups and the ‘Gram, it’s easy to think that everyone’s life is perfect, that nobody else struggles the way we do. But we know that the truth is, none of us is perfect. We all struggle - and those struggles have helped us become the people we are.
If you want to be a leader in the arts – to have influence and be a blessing in the artist community – then others have to know you've been through some stuff. You have to talk about the battle that comes with the blessing.
Our courage and willingness to be vulnerable, to acknowledge our weaknesses, and to share our struggles are actually one of our most powerful strengths as leaders, as artists, and as humans.
When Jacob wrestled with God, he refused to let go until God blessed him, just so he could walk away from the wrestling match with a limp.
When you wrestle with God, get ready to walk away with a new limp… plus a new name, new character, new reputation, and a new level of authority for your calling.
In this episode of 5-Minute Mentoring, find out what happens when you choose to embrace the hard-won struggles, when you can really own your limp and the name that goes with it.
Want to read about my own struggles as I’ve grown my art business? Check out the 10th anniversary of my first book, Unlocking the Heart of the Artist, on Amazon at the link below!
Unlocking the Heart of the Artist: 10th Anniversary Edition on Amazon
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