If you’ve ever tried to pitch a tent, you know that tension and stretch is the difference between a tent that offers you protection from the elements...and just a pile of nylon and poles. The Bible talks about enlarging the place of your tent, which requires that same tension in order to be successful.
As an artist of faith, are you holding in tension both the dream and the hard work it takes to grow in what God has given you?
This episode is one of the most thought-provoking conversations I've had on how faithful artists are meant to walk out their faith in the arts.
Our guest, Marlita Hill, is a choreographer, artist, and author who influences and inspires Christian creatives through her Kingdom Artist Initiative.
She's been serving the Lord, living in the faith and art world for many years, and she shares her experience to help fellow artists build a healthy working relationship between their faith and art career.
Discover more about Marlita and her new book, Defying Discord, and all the wonderful things she’s doing with the Kingdom Artist Initiative at http://marlitahill.com/.
Struggling with how to create your art with God without feeling you have to fit into the “church” box? Download a copy of my free resource:
The 5 Biggest Misconceptions about Prophetic Art *Free Guide*
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