In our recent chat, Ray Hughes said something that struck me almost speechless:
“Why does something have to ‘be’ something before it becomes something else?”
Ray was speaking in particular about the words and impressions that he captures in his leather journal as he goes throughout his day, snapshots of a landscape, a stranger, a feeling he experiences.
Maybe those words will turn into a song. Maybe they’ll evolve into a poem. Or maybe they’ll just be…without becoming something else. But the important part is that they’re allowed to be in the first place.
When you sit down to create, do you have the end in mind? Do you think about the result you want to achieve, or do you let the paints, clay, words, or music become what they are meant to be?
For this episode of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, I’m back with the second half of my interview of the delightful, inspirational Ray Hughes!
If you missed Part 1 of our discussion, catch it here!
Learn more about Ray and his work on his website at
To listen to Ray’s song “Caroline,” visit the YouTube link below:
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