Have you ever met somebody whose art is so fascinating and who is so enthusiastic about it that it makes you want to immediately run out and try it yourself?
That’s exactly what happens when you talk to my friend Frances Syverson!
Frances uses techniques from beading to metal-smithing to create jewelry that is just fabulous!
And while she does sell her jewelry, the real joy she gets with her art is in the making - and in teaching others how to make it themselves. Whether it’s friends and family, church members, or kids at the school where she works as a media specialist, she is always happy to pass along this skill that brings her so much happiness.
That’s why I’m so excited that Frances will be teaching at this year’s Gathering of Artisans. She’s teaching sessions on metal stamping and making copper earrings - including using flame to create a patina and other exciting techniques. No experience is needed - but her classes are filling up fast!
Expanding our artistic horizons by trying new media and techniques is so valuable to our development as artists - and these new skills and experiences can take your art in directions you never imagined. But you have to be there! Register now at www.GatheringofArtisans.com and sign up for Frances’s workshops!
If you want to see Frances’s work, you can check out her Etsy site and Instagram:
When you’re ready to stop striving and start thriving, here are 4 other ways I can help:
1️⃣ Get my FREE Guide, “5 Biggest Misconceptions About Prophetic Art” Wondering how to create your art with God or what prophetic art is all about? Grab my free guide and make sure you’re not stuck in any of these misconceptions about prophetic art! Download here ➡️ https://thrive.matttommeymentoring.com/5-biggest-misconceptions-about-prophetic-art
2️⃣ Unlock Your Heart: Are you ready to begin a journey of healing and wholeness that will yield deeper Spirit-led creativity and personal fulfillment? I’ll show you how in the 10th anniversary revised edition of “Unlocking the Heart of the Artist!” Grab the book, ebook, or audio on Amazon ➡️ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1460930258
3️⃣ Connect with God: Discover how to connect with the Lord and discover His intention for you and your art in His Kingdom in my course, How to Connect with God to Create & Sell Your Art. Get more details here ➡️ https://thrive.matttommeymentoring.com/how-to-connect
4️⃣ Ready to truly thrive? Join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program to discover how to build your art business and live the abundant life Jesus promised you as an artist in His Kingdom! Click here for details and to enroll! ➡️ https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor.html
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