Do you ever look at your to-do list, then at your calendar, and then think, “There’s no way I’m going to find the time to get all this done.”
That feeling is universal, I would say. I would also say that it’s especially prevalent when you have jobs and responsibilities that often need to come before the artistic endeavors you really want to sink your teeth into.
Looking at a whole plate of broccoli that you have to eat before you’re allowed to have that mouth-watering brownie can be pretty frustrating.
So how can creatives find the time to create when they have so much else to do? My guest on this episode of The Thriving Christian Artist, Kimberly Gordon, has it all figured out.
Kimberly has managed to write and publish more than 10 books since age 46, all while raising children, homeschooling, and holding down jobs as necessary. (And these aren’t just little flappy pamphlets here. These are, like, tomes.)
Take a listen to discover how she learned to faithfully manage the time she has to do everything she needs to do, including write.
You can find Kimberly’s books on her website and on Amazon, and you can follow her on social media at the links below.
When you’re ready to stop striving and start thriving, here are 4 other ways I can help:
1️⃣ Get my FREE Guide, “5 Biggest Misconceptions About Prophetic Art”
Wondering how to create your art with God or what prophetic art is all about? Grab my free guide and make sure you’re not stuck in any of these misconceptions about prophetic art! Download here ➡️
2️⃣ Learn a New Framework for Living: Watch this free 60-minute, on-demand workshop I created called “How to Start Thriving as the Artist God Created You to Be,” where I share a simple, Kingdom-based framework for living that anyone can use starting today. Click here for details and to enroll! ➡️
3️⃣ Connect with God: Discover how to connect with the Lord and discover His intention for you and your art in His Kingdom in my course, How to Connect with God to Create & Sell Your Art. Get more details here ➡️
4️⃣ Ready to truly thrive? Join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program to discover how to build your art business and live the abundant life Jesus promised you as an artist in His Kingdom! Click here for details and to enroll! ➡️
Thanks for listening! You can also watch this podcast on YouTube at
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