The Trailer Music Composer’s Podcast
I have been working with aspiring trailer composers for over two years now. As a result, I have come to learn what it is that most of them do 'wrong' in their trailer cues.These mistakes, annoyingly for them, are incredibly easy to make (I still make one of the regularly). But, they are also very easy to resolve.If you are an aspiring trailer composer or even a pro who is now just curious then give the show a listen.I'd love to hear what you think and whether you agree or not. Also, let me know which mistakes you make too. The main reason for me doing this is obvs for me to help you get better. So listen with an open mind and tell your ego to bog off. Mistakes are there to help you improve and that's what this episode will hopefully do too.To listen and read a full transcript, click here.
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You might be asking why am I doing such a thing. Because, as I say to my kids, "sharing is caring" and I want my courses to help as many people as possible. To be honest with you, at this price I'm tempted to buy them mys