And you thought this game was all jank? Honestly, so did many of us... but boy this section might just have turned up the heat. For this section be ready, strap up and strap on because there are decisions a plenty!
Also this week we discuss a possible HD Remaster of the ME series and McCoy weeps when Gabe points out that he will miss out on all the HD sex scenes...
Would you believe it? We've elevated our Instagram to something we actually use!!! Check it out for updates on our latest podcast and some silly screenshots (maybe sorta sometimes at least). We might even use it for other purposes too. How cool is that?
If you have a question or just want to talk some smack about how poorly we did this week you can hit us up on our email:
Also, I'm contractually obligated to mention we "technically" have a Twitter... But we don't use it... yet!
Oh! And IF YOU LIKED THE SHOW BUT UNDER NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES feel free to drop us a 5 star rating on iTunes (or wherever your local podcasts are sold)