The Unmedicated Girlies | Empowered & Informed Birth Education with Fierce Lizzie
Not only do empowered moms know their rights, they do not allow anyone to take their power of authority away from them. Being a powerful woman outside of the birth space is different than being the boss inside the birth space, as evidenced by the celebrity examples in the episode. The first step to being the boss is knowing your birth rights, and then step two, speaking up for them.
Mentioned on the show:
Enroll in the Academy for a birth education that includes birth rights
Get the resources for the challenge
Next Steps...
Have questions?
Birth Options Workshop: Get clarity on your next step, whether that is choosing a provider, deciding on a birth place or where to start with birth education. RSVP now.
Ready to start your birth prep?
Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE ️
Want to work with me?
Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club
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