The Inquisitorial band survived the second round, but Lucia Bane’s team was left with only one fighter and unlikely to win. This prompted Seth (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt) to change the plan to win the fight instead, and change Skullshield’s bet to favour themselves. How will this new plan match up against 3 Orks and 5 Grotz “Waaaaagh”-ing and shooting before they’re even out into the arena? Featuring our Game Master, Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante), and players Tom McGee (@mcgeetd) as Interrogator Nero Abagnale, Laura Hamstra (@elhamstring) as Piper Fairley and Del Borovic (@deltastic) as Sister Olianne Mina.
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The Valentyne Heresy’s artwork was created by the brilliant Del Borovic.
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