The Valentyne Heresy a Warhammer 40K RPG
The band convinced Vulcan that Piper (Laura Hamstra, @elhamstring) was Rancid and acquired the crown from the heist. Nero (Tom McGee, @mcgeetd) and Olianne (Del Borovic, @deltastic) interrogated witnesses and procured a sample of Vance’s blood, Seth’s (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt) investigation of the corpses left him with more questions than answers, and Piper approached Ignatious Ironforth to examine the weapons used in the attack. Will their collective evidence yield any real answers? Featuring our Game Master, Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante).
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The Valentyne Heresy’s artwork was created by the brilliant Del Borovic.
Website & Portfolio:
Want to play the 40K adaptation of Genesys yourself? You can find the rules at: