You’re listening to The Voice of Dog. This is Rob MacWolf, your fellow traveler, and Today I don’t have a story for you. I’m here to ask for your help.
The Voice of Dog was born in interesting times. We began to tell stories here at the fireside to encourage, to lift spirits, and to hold this community together through the darkest days of the Covid pandemic. If we’re going to continue to do that, well, there are about to be some more interesting times we must push our way through.
A week from this broadcast, the United States of America is holding an election. One side of that election has proposed classifying anything written by, or that mentions the existence of LGBTQ+ people as pornography. They have proposed outlawing such “pornography,” with prison sentences for those caught with it. This show would not be able to exist under such conditions. This community would not be able to exist under such conditions. If any story we have ever read has meant anything to you, please, use your vote to defend our ability to tell the story that will mean something to someone else.
As long as there is a soul with a story to tell, as long as there are ears to hear it, then the Voice of Dog will continue to tell those stories until someone forcibly prevents us. Yours may be the vote that determines whether or not they get to try.
What else is there to say? Other than: please come back to the fireside, tomorrow, for another story.
And thank you, all of you, for listening to the Voice of Dog.
Read for you by Rob MacWolf — werewolf hitchhiker. | Apple podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts
If you have a story you think would be a good fit, you can check out the requirements, fill out the submission template and get in touch with us.