In the back rural roads of Alabama, a brother and sister duo travel down south to visit their late father’s funeral. Upon stopping on the side of the road to rest, the two are constantly surrounded by the familiar dangers of the southern country and the unfamiliar dangers of supernatural creatures. Will the duo survive this lonely night out on the open roads?
Tonight’s story is “The Gift” by Darius Davis, a black queer african wild dog author, who uses writing as a way to prime readers to experience new and exciting perspectives.You can follow him on twitter @2DWildDog and his Sofurry page at (2dstories) for future writing projects.
Read by Ta’kom Ironhoof, the Equine Charmer. | Apple podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts
If you have a story you think would be a good fit, you can check out the requirements, fill out the submission template and get in touch with us.