Today’s story is the second and final part of “Victor Tremblay in: Snowed Inn” by Pascal Farful, who was recently featured on Rick Wallace’s “The Big Pitch”, and you can find more of his stories on his FurAffinity and SoFurry pages.
Last time, Detective Victor Tremblay and his reluctant colleague Don Harvey were stationed in a small Idaho hotel on route to a conference when a vase in the hotel was found missing. Tremblay began work investigating the disappearance. When he saw someone running from the scene, he began to chase them. We left off as the detective took an ill-informed lunge at his opponent, only to discover he’d tackled both the person he was chasing, and an innocent passer-by, with no idea who was who.
Read for you by Khaki, your faithful fireside companion. | Apple podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts
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