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Private Internet Access: Sign up for Private Internet Access VPN at https://lmg.gg/piawan
Forum Link: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/...
Floatplane Account Migration Details: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/...
Timestamps Courtesy of Isaiah
0:01 Crazy videos
2:25 They have dents in their heads
6:07 Reading list of Topics
6:23 Intro
7:12 Floatplane Payment Migration
8:25 NCIX Data Breach (aka the title)
24:45 Floatplane Competitor
35:00 New Floatplane Feature
37:22 Linus Searching "Jordonplane" domain.
40:00 Linus talking about books/video limit audience
42:10 SPONSOR Squarespace
43:18 SPONSOR Huney
44:12 SPONSOR PIA (short domain: piawan.ml)
46:04 Google's Touch less Gesture Control
48:00 Guy behind China's largest Torrent site jailed (which they skipped)
48:10 Poll on Form results are weird - Skipping over Last topic
48:45 VR ownership doubled in 2018
49:49 Thinking about "Why did Linux Gaming crash in 2018" video idea
50:30 VR not doing so good, but not dead.
58:00 Laptop with fold-able display on ether side
58:35 Bye bye, Steam on Windows XP & Vista
59:11 CES
1:00:15 LTX 2019
1:06:40 Luke's going to do stream after WAN show
1:07:30 Reading of Super chats
1:11:00 LinusTechTips Instagram un-followed LTX's Instagram
1:15:48 Out-tro
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