"Challenging" - learn more about this understatement in the world of Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) research with Janet Ng. In our inaugural episode, we explore many angles of this exciting conservation work from the up and down fortunes of this species to the personal toll on an intrepid researcher.
Janet Ng, Ph.D., is a species at risk biologist who has worked on a variety of species and landscapes around Canada. Her work is focused on wildlife-habitat relationships and how human development, climate change, and their combined effects can potentially impact species at risk.
Janet is on Twitter: @janetngbio and LinkdIn.
BirdWatch Canada article: A hawk-eyed look at a Threatened prairie predator by Janet Ng
Andrea Gress studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan and now coordinates the Ontario Piping Plover Conservation Program for Birds Canada. Follow her work at @ontarioplovers
Andrés Jiménez is a Costa Rican wildlife biologist with a keen interest in snakes, frogs, birds and how human relationships are interconnected with the living world. He studied Tropical Biology in Costa Rica and has a Masters in Environmental Problem Solving from York University. He is Birds Canada's Urban Program Coordinator and you can follow him at @andresjimo