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On this week’s show we initiate phase three of our ongoing tour of the gnostic Gospels of Thomas from the Nag Hammadi library. In the free section of the show we resume our journey at verse 64 and begin to focus in on a number of major themes centered around the virtue of poverty, ego death and the virtue of having haters. In the extended version of the show we continue until line 93 and discuss the devil, the golden section, gnostic sex acts, disingenuous ritualism and why Jesus Christ is the greatest rapper of all time. Catch us next week for the harrowing conclusion. Thank you and enjoy the show!
In the free section of this week’s episode we discuss:
The Spiritual Fate of the Rich
Kabbalistic Symbolism
The Rejected Keystone
The Gnostic Barbie Movie?
Having Haters
Jesus on Shadow Work
The Third Temple of Jerusalem
Jesus, Divider or Uniter?
Adam Kadmon
Jesus, Glutton and Drunkard?
In the extended version of the show available at we go even further down the list and discuss:
Lift a Stone, You Will Find Me There
Jesus Thinks U Soft
Gnostic Sex Positions
Egyptian Sekhmet
Allegory of the Cave
Casting Pearls Before Swine
The Woman In The Red Dress
Each host is responsible for writing and creating the content they present. In the notes: red sections are written by Luke Madrid, green sections by Malachor 5, purple written by Heka Astra and blue by Mari Sama…
Where to find The Whole Rabbit:
Music By Spirit Travel Plaza:
Blazing Fire
Pistis Sophia: A Fifth Book: Chapter 141
Leela Yoga Interpretation:
The Yoga of Jesus - teachings of the Thomas Gospel
Gospels of Thomas
Herod’s Curse:,the%20grave%20probably%20came%20true.
Broken Vessels