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An Interview of Luke Brandl Madrid by Frater R.C.
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Do you have some state sponored weed and a bunch of time to kill? Well, even if you don't its a podcast so you can put it on while you work, slave. That goes especially for people who work in the public sector who have a large audience to influence, like cam girls. So, put it on quiet, put it on loud and get ready for the true story of how your boy Luke Madrid met Sophia in this interview by the illustrious, grand wizard of the ancient wisdom, Frater R.C. who patiently deals with Luke's unending barrage of tangents and backracks as we weave together a verbal sword fight worthy of the first corephgraphed lightsaber duel in Star Wars and the feeling you get from docking the first time... in Kerbal Space Program.…
On this special, long-format, NSFW, unedited story of mystical achievement, mania and love we discuss:
-How Luke met God
-How Luke met his soulmate, Leigha. No for real. Seriously.
-How Luke got into podcasting and started "The Whole Rabbit."
-Luke's off-air, paranormal interviews while driving Uber.
-Baby's first podcast.
-Aliens, the Pentagon and the Navy.
-Luke's DMT experience.
-How to break through on DMT
-Bob Lazar
-Being diagnosed with auto-immune disease
-The effects on unhealthy diet
-Seeing tunnels of light and meeting aliens
-Bleeding from the eyballs due to constipation!
-What is epilepsy and orthostatichypertension anyway?!
-Luke's entirely fictional, imaginery drug experiences that never actually happened.
-Drugs you should never do.
-More stories about drug experiences that are fictional and never actually happened.
-Don't do drugs.
-Don't even think about drugs.
-Turn off this podcast. In fact, pretend it doesn't exist and go back to dick joke island where you belong.
-Jack Parsons and his place in Thelema and the OTO
-The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
-How to fight and not get hurt. How to fight, get hurt and not be hurt. How to not get hurt and not fight and get hurt and fight at the same time.
-How to get laid by fighting your friends.
-How Henry Zebrowski is a flaming piece of dog vomit for scolding his audience for wanting answers on Jeffery Epstein and accusing all of us of being conspiracy wackos and perpetuating a "conspiracy state" when homeboy got rich and married to a fucking amazonian red-headed beauty off of selling us his conspiracy wares. Fuck you Henry, get at me bro.
-Left Hand Path tantra
-Technocratic distopia
-Demons living in and through digital worlds
-How Luke searched for and found his soul mate
-Baphomet and Sophia
-Knowledge and Conversation with the HGA... and MORE!
-This list is too long, sorry.
Thank you and enjoy the show!