Episode 5 with Kate Cooper
Introducing Ep 5 of the WHOLElistic Podcast!!!
She’s taken a hiatus over the last 9 months; but I couldn’t be more excited about this one and I’m back with enormous amounts of passion, motivation, drive as I continue to walk forward on the path that I’m here to walk with greater purpose.
What’s so special about this ep, is it’s with my dear friend @katecooper_medicalintuitive who I’ve had the blessing to be apart of her life for the past 16 years. I’ve watched her grow and evolve first studying and completing a Health Science Degree in Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture. To starting a successful practice here in Wanaka; to taking her skillset to Sumner Chch and opening a Wellness Centre.
I cannot help but scream from the rooftops about how she’s defied all odds by completely clearing her Multiple sclerosis!
I am so inspired to share my story of working with her and how she helped me heal a numb shin I had been suffering with since November last year in 24 hours all via distal healing!
Kate helped me identify the limiting beliefs that were stuck within my body that I was subconsciously replaying over and over that were holding me back from walking my path and keeping me stuck.
Kate explains it in a way that is easy for anyone to understand using a mix of science and energetics.
She’s uses a mix of acupuncture, NIS (Neurological Integration System), Honohono (Maori healing) and intuition.
This one you will not want to miss! To follow along the journey -
You won’t want to miss this!!!