How confidence can motivate, get us off the couch, make us healthier, enterprising, decisive and help us live up to our potential We also learn how doctors, entrepreneurs and whole economies can benefit from the right kind of confidence and the ways in which we can tell the good from the bad. In this edition of the Why Factor, Michael Blastland asks: why do we admire confidence?
Contributors: Ed O’Brien - Associate Professor of Behaviour Science, University of Chicago Booth School of Business Maria Konnikova - Psychologist and Author: The Confidence Game Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - Psychologist and Author: Confidence, The Surprising Truth About How Much You Need and How To Get It. Dr Anne McGuinness – University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Dr Josephine Perry – Sports Psychologist Don Moore – Professor of Management of Organizations, Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley