We introduce you to the B-FAST method in this minisode so you can become a white wine lover. What’s that you say, you’ve never heard of the B-FAST method? Well, that’s because it is a Wine Pair Podcast original! To love a thing, you have to learn about a thing, and you have to spend time with a thing. You can’t just go with your first impression! You have to put in some effort! Many people just don’t think white wines are as serious as red wines, but this is false! Using the B-FAST method, which stands for Body, Food, Acid, Sweetness, and Temperature, we’ll help you unlock the magic that is white wine. If you think you don’t love white wine, you probably have just not met the right white wine yet. Trust us! We’ll make believers out of you, and we’ll help you find a white wine you love!
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