It’s our 100th episode! Kait, Renata, and their editor Becca have been studying up on our bad book trivia for years to be able to process Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. This has been one of our most-requested books over the years, so we weren’t surprised when it won our listener poll for the 100th episode. We were surprised by how it was almost exactly like all the parodies of it we saw on Twitter. Thanks to all our listeners for helping us make it to 100 episodes! We love you all so much we want to stand in your yards and play this episode on a boombox.
Readers advisory: Here.
Footnotes: John Mulaney explains Back to the Future
The 6 Most Absurd Product Placements in Video Game History
Monster Factory: The Boy Mayor of Second Life
Monster Factory: Second Life, Second Chances
Candy pairing: Becca says Skittles, Kait says Airheads, Renata says the description of a sugar molecule.
Coming up next: The Ghost in the Third Row by Bruce Coville.
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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)