We teamed up with Anna and Alene from Bellwether Friends, our BFP (best friend podcast), to read about our nation’s greatest BFFs, Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Unfortunately for us, Andrew Shaffer’s political RPF mystery Hope Never Dies turned out to be light on the friendship and heavy-handed on the opioid crisis. Listen to this episode on your next Amtrak trip!
Readers advisory: Here.
Footnotes: Watching President Obama Make a Bracelet for Joe Biden Gave Us Friendship Goals
18 Times Barack Obama And Joe Biden Were #FriendshipGoals
Obama and Biden are the ultimate crime-fighting team in ‘Hope Never Dies’
Stop, You’re Killing Me: List of Real People Mysteries
Candy Pairing: Alene says a melted Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Anna says a Waffle House pecan waffle, Kait says White House M&Ms, Renata says almond milk.
Coming up next: 4th Anniversary Spectacular!
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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)