When the going gets tough, the tough get to reading cozy cat mysteries. We read The Fast and the Furriest by Sofie Ryan, the story of a small coastal town plagued with murder and antiquers. Our opinions were split–Renata liked the cat but not the murder, Kait liked the murder but not the cat, and Duarte just hopes that feline detectives are paid a fair wage. Listen to this episode at a safe social distance from any murderers and/or antiquers!
Readers advisory: Here.
Footnotes: Flashback Summer Featuring…You?
“Crime-Solving Cats And Cozy Mysteries Are A Publishing Juggernaut” by Hillary Kelly
Candy Pairing: Kait says a cup of tea, Renata says Annie’s fruit snacks.
Coming up next: Planet X by Michael Jan Friedman.
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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)