This Flashback Summer episode found Kait & Renata home alone, no cool teen baby-sitter nor responsible adult around to monitor their bedtime. Things got a little loopy. You’ve been warned. We read several books from the Baby-Sitters Little Sister series: Karen’s Plane Trip, Karen’s Witch, Karen’s Ghost, and Karen’s Kittykat Club, all “by” Ann M. Martin. We made zero jokes about “Karens,” because Karen Brewer transcends that cliche and would only ask to talk to your manager if she thought your manager might know a good scary story. Listen to this episode to briefly distract yourself from the horrors of climate change!
Readers advisory: Here.
Footnotes: Life Lessons We Learned from Baby-Sitters Little Sister
Coming up next: The Baby-Sitters Club Super Mystery #2: Baby-Sitters Beware by Ann M. Martin.
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