We wanted to start the new year off with a self-help book, so we teamed up with Jolenta and Kristen from By the Book, a podcast where they try out living by self-help books, and read Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray. We’re glad Jolenta and Kristen already tried out John Gray’s advice, because we would hate to even think about living by his gender essentialist nonsense. Make sure to download this before you retreat to your Woman Well or Man Cave, because everyone knows the wifi down there is terrible.
Readers advisory: Here.
Footnotes: By The Book: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
This American Life #291 – Reunited (And It Feels So Good)
“How To Talk To Babies About Gender Theory” by Mallory Ortberg
“Solved: Do Men Cry? Do Women Defecate?” by Amy Collier
Candy pairing: Jolenta says rock candy, Kait says gin, Kristen says circus peanuts, Renata says astronaut ice cream.
Coming up next: Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)