Renata, Kait, and their returning guest Angie decided to #ChooseKind and experience the wonder of Wonder by R. J. Palacio, a saccharine story of what some abled people could learn from spending time with a boy with craniofacial differences. It’s also the story of a boy’s inexplicable love of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Tune in now to get your recommended daily allowance of Inspirational Quotes!
Readers advisory: Here.
Footnotes: Review of Wonder, written by Mike Moody for Disability in KidLit
What “Wonder” Gets Wrong About Disfigurement and Craniofacial Disorders by Ariel Henley
“I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much” by Stella Young
Children’s Craniofacial Association: About Treacher Collins Syndrome
Critics Question the Representation of Disability in ‘Wonder’ by Lauren Barack
Worst Bestsellers #2 – Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer
Candy pairing: Angie says Werther’s Originals, Kait says McDonald’s apple slices, Renata says sketchy charity candy.
Coming up next: Unmasked by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)