Released: 25 January 2018
Duration: 21 minutes, 51 seconds
A hundred years ago cosmologists were struggling to understand the nature and structure of the universe, and at the heart of this struggle was the island universe hypothesis. Today we find ourselves confronted with a similar question posed at a far greater scale. As we confront these great questions of cosmology, whether a hundred years ago or today, we find ourselves faced with as many philosophical questions as scientific questions when we challenge the boundaries of our understanding. In Part II we focus on cosmological scales of time and what this means for human observation of a very old universe.
Links: The Realm of the Nebula, Edwin Hubble Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens, Immanuel Kant The Great Debate The Scale of the Universe, Shapley and Curtis The 1920 Shapley-Curtis Discussion: Background,Issues, and Aftermath, V. Trimble NGC 6822, a remote stellar system, Edwin Hubble F. H. Bradley deep time Stellar Movements and the Structure of the Universe, Arthur Eddington The Retrodiction Wall Addendum on the Retrodiction Wall Eternity in six hours: Intergalactic spreading of intelligent life and sharpening the Fermi paradox, Stuart Armstrong and Anders Sandberg The End of Cosmology? Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert J. Scherrer Credits:Writer and Host: Nick Nielsen
Voiceover and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: Jason Robinson