What are we wearing?
Fancy Cardi by Joji Locatelli
Veronika by Julie Weisenberger What have we been stalking?
Anker's Summer Shirt by PetiteKnit
Northeasterly by Skeinanigans
Himari Hat by Noro Design Team
In Motion Vest by Tian Connaughton
Sun Spot Shawl by Laura Aylor What are we knitting/crocheting?
Cloud Iridescence by Kathryn Bernard
Donner by Elizabeth Doherty
Keep it Warm Sweater by Leon Hwa Lee Thank you to our June sponsor -
Twice Sheared Sheep! What have we finished?
Pink is for Power by Melanie Berg Sharlene's
Power sweater Ridgewalk Hat by Gabriela Roberts
Colby by Elizabeth Doherty
Bits and Bobs by Kay F. Jones Gayle's
Rainbow Bits and Bobs We talk about how outside factors such as lighting can affect the way we see and interpret color.