We are back at the beach with this episode. Unfortunately that means there is a bit of ambient noises from a variety of sources. Hopefully it won't be too distracting as we catch up on what we have been knitting and doing the past month. Details below and at the end of the episode about our second colors of fall KAL, using the
Colors of Fall 2014 from Pantone. We hope this will give us all time and space to think about creating something lovely to wear when Fall 2014 arrives. If you use social media, please share your yarn and photos using the hashtag #yarniacscolors2014 What are we wearing?
Spring Showers by Joji Locatelli Sharlene's
Spring Showers Vitamin D by Heidi Kirrmeier Gayle's
Vitamin D What are we stalking?
Outlined by Suvi Simola
Lady Charming by Veera Välimäki
Rhombi by Terry Kruse
Pin-Striped Sweater Tee by Jenjoyce Design
Floral Opulence by Rosalyn Jung
Candelia by Cecily Glowik MacDonald Sharlene's
Candelia …a hint of summer by Isabell Kraemer What are we knitting?
Jaywalker by Grumperina Sharlene's previously knit Jaywalker socks
2, and
3 Viajante by Martina Behm Sharlene's
Viajante in progress
Kestrel yarn from Quince and Co.
Liesl by Coco knits
Learn to Knit a Log Cabin Blanket by Staci Perry What have we finished?
AfterThought Heel Socks by Laura Linneman Sharlene's
Afterthoughts 2 tea toters by Julie Tarsha
Golden Pear hat by Melissa Thomson Gayle's
Golden Pear Clincher by Ash Kearns Gayle's
Clincher Sharlene's
Clincher Our Colors of Fall 2014 KAL open June 1! We had so much fun with everyone picking colors and styling our "looks" that we decided to do it again.
Details and
chat can be found in our group on Ravlery.