Elyse Archer is the founder of the Superhuman Selling, and She Sells movements, which empower entrepreneurs and sales professionals to revolutionize how they sell, explode their income, and achieve quantum leaps in all areas of life. A Salesforce Top Influencer and a thought leader whose insights have been featured in major media, including Forbes and Inc, Elyse is passionate about empowering her clients to sell in a way that leverages their natural gifts and helps them build wealth. She is an international keynote speaker and host of She Sells Radio, where she shares best practices from female entrepreneurs and sales professionals who have accomplished extraordinary goals. Before founding She Sells, Elyse served as a Partner in an 8-figure international sales coaching organization, where she helped sales professionals achieve their goals. Outside of She Sells, Elyse is also a founding team member of Brand Builders Group, a personal branding strategy firm. Her client list includes New York Times bestselling authors, top 100 podcast hosts, and 8-figure entrepreneurs, as well as leaders who are earlier in their journey and committed to scaling their influence, impact, and income. Learn more about Elyse at www.ElyseArcher.com
If you are a ‘giver’, have struggled with icky beliefs about money and prosperity, or feel uncomfortable with a masculine version of sales, this episode is for YOU. Listen closely to this deep conversation with Elyse Archer, a dear friend and badass woman leader, who shares how to change your prosperity thermostat and create sales using feminine energy and the power of your divine purpose.
She shares these feminine principles of receiving with us in this episode.
The Power Is In Deciding
Elyse decided to change her money mindset; this commitment and a full-out decision changed everything. You can’t be wishy-washy about your decisions; you need to go all in and decide that ‘fine’ and ‘ok’ are not good enough in this one lifetime.
Your Desires Are Green Lights
Elyse’s essential lesson was learning to trust herself and her intuition. This has also been one of my greatest lessons. To truly flourish and thrive, you must start developing a relationship with yourself that is based on love, kindness, and trust.
Learning How To Sell With Wholeness
Elyse shares her story of being trained in sales from a highly masculine perspective, leading to extreme exhaustion, burnout, overwhelm, emptiness, and despair. Maybe you, too, can relate to your training or job expectations. She realized that her soul sought wholeness and a new spiritual center point where she could be of service and raise her impact and prosperity level. Elyse went from a $100,000 year to making $100,000 each month and realized that serving and selling from the heart and learning how to receive was life-changing and prosperous.
While she had a lovely house and fancy things, she didn’t feel lit up or whole inside. It wasn’t until she invested in herself and got a coach and support to help her create a new paradigm for her identity and life. Additionally, Elyse learned firsthand that what was missing was learning to sell from wholeness. From a new feminine approach where the focus was on being comfortable with receiving and greater visibility. The reminder is to understand that all is based on energy and how you feel about yourself. If you’re coming from an aligned place of wholeness, connection, and trust, you will begin to feel that, and the world around you can’t help but emulate this transformation.
Learning to Receive
Your level of income will never go beyond your level of self-worth. Read that again and take it in. This is everything! Most of us miss genuinely learning how to receive and feeling worthy of receiving, be it a compliment, money, greater visibility, acknowledgment, or an opportunity. The key point is learning how to generate abundance from the inside first.
A Free Toolset To Design Your Best Life
This stunning free toolset is a 7-day workbook (25 pages full) of powerful mindset practices, grounding meditations (and audio), a new beautiful time management system and template to set your personalized schedule for your best productivity, a personalized energy assessment, and so much more. It was designed to specifically help you uplevel your routine and self-care habits for success so you can radiate and become your ‘You-est You’. These tools are some of Julie’s best practices used with hundreds of her clients to help you feel more confident, clear, and connected to your best self so that you feel inspired to take on the world.
Get it at: juliereisler.com/toolset
Looking To Help Others Get Unstuck and Design Their Best Life?
If you are feeling a strong urge to help other big-hearted empaths get unstuck and design their best life, you've got to check out my Life Designer Coach Academy. This world-class four-month virtual live coach certification program will give you proven tools, techniques, practices, and methodology to be a powerful coach. This coaching program is for aspiring and current coaches looking to fill in the missing pieces and gain confidence and mastery both in the coaching core competencies and the integrative health modalities from a mind-body science, positive psychology, and healing arts perspective. To learn more, go to lifedesignercoachacademy.com.
You-est You Intention Cards
Want your own powerful deck of 33 You-est You Intention Cards? These cards were channeled by Julie. Each card has an empowering intention and deeper questions to ask your ‘You-est You’ for greater self-awareness, higher consciousness, and spiritual growth. You can get them now at juliereisler.com/shop.
Sacred Connection
This community is a sacred, safe place built on love and acceptance. It was created to help you evolve and expand into your highest self. Please share your wisdom, comments, and thoughts. I love hearing from you and learning how you are being your truest, you-est you. Please join us in our Facebook group: The You-est You® Podcast Community.
Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how to tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness, and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU.
And as always, if you’re enjoying this podcast, thank you for taking a moment to rate, review and love up on it by sharing it with others you love. It helps make these conversations available to more amazing people around the globe.
Here's to your being your ‘You-est You!’
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*Share what you are struggling with or looking to transform with Julie at [email protected]. Julie would love to start covering topics of the highest interest to YOU.
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